From the Collection

Skin of the Nueport Fighter Plane from the Marion Overend crash.

While visiting an American airfield on the western front Marion Overend was offered a ride in a Nueport fighter. Shortly after take off the aircraft spun violently out of control striking the ground killing Marion and severly injuring the pilot.

November 14, 2023

Marion Overend's story is a poignant and significant part of the history of World War I, highlighting the contributions and sacrifices made by nurses during that time. Her journey from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, to New York for nursing training at Mount Sinai Hospital, and eventually to her service in the Army Nurse Corps during the war, reflects the global impact of the conflict.

It's evident that Marion and her sister May were dedicated to their nursing profession, as they volunteered to serve when the United States entered World War I. The details of their mobilization, travel to Europe, and Marion's subsequent transfer to Camp Hospital #14 provide a glimpse into the challenges and experiences faced by medical personnel during the war.

The tragic event of Marion's plane crash while on a visit to a flying field adds a personal and heartbreaking element to her story. The decision of her family to leave her buried in Europe, alongside her comrades, speaks to the difficult choices families had to make in the aftermath of the war.

The final resting place of Marion Overend at the Saint Mihiel American Cemetery and Memorial in France, along with the mention of the disinterment process, reflects the care and respect given to fallen soldiers and nurses, ensuring they are remembered and honored.

Her story is a reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals like Marion during times of conflict, and it adds a human touch to the historical narrative of World War I. The concluding line, "Day is done, God is nigh," adds a solemn note to the tribute, emphasizing the enduring memory of those who served and gave their lives.

The pilot of the aircraft Captain Thorpe survived his injuries and had no memory of the incident.